Friday, August 5, 2016

The Journey Is the Destination


The Journey Is the Destination post image

I watched an amazing short video today that my friend In-Q (an incredible spoken word poet who has been on the podcast) did a few years ago.

It reminded me of what inspired The School of Greatness.

The idea that we don't have to follow a specific path to become the best version of ourselves – it looks different for everyone.

Because we're each unique.

And our journeys look as different as we are.

But we are each equally significant and have the potential to make huge positive impact.

And now is the time.

Sharing some thoughts on this for 5 Minute Friday on Episode 363.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“The destination will show up sooner than you think.”

Continue Seeking Greatness:

  • In-Q

  • The video that inspired this episode

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The post The Journey Is the Destination appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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