Monday, August 1, 2016

Larry King: What 60,000 Interviews Taught Him About What Really Matters


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I feel like I don't need to introduce today's guest on The School of Greatness.

He's a LEGEND around the world.

He's interviewed everyone who is anyone on the planet.

He's been on radio, TV, and the web for decades.

He is a master of communication, storytelling, and comedy.

Yes, I'm talking about Larry King.

I actually got to meet him months ago at a private dinner I was invited to where we sat around a table and told stories all night.

And then we had breakfast a while later.

Turns out his stepson is a big fan of the podcast. Bonus.

So when the chance came to have him come on the School of Greatness, I was really excited.

I was going to interview THE interviewer of our time.

So no pressure.

Thankfully, Larry had so many stories to tell, I didn't have time to think of many questions to ask.

He gave me nugget after nugget of wisdom that can only be gathered from a lifetime of listening to some of the wisest people in the world.

So, I invite you to follow his lead and listen in to this interview with the media legend Larry King in Episode 361.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“I never learned anything when I was talking.”

Some questions I ask:

  • What is it about people that is so fascinating to you? (10:16)

  • What's the biggest mistake you ever made? (50:22)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What it's like to work with Tony Robbins (4:05)

  • Why Larry loves doing comedy from the stage (4:43)

  • What you can learn from comedians about presentation (5:32)

  • Two of Larry's most recent favorite jokes (6:17)

  • Who Larry would pick as a top comedian from everyone he's interviewed (8:32)

  • Why you should never buy a car made on a Monday or a Friday (11:45)

  • Why Larry never wanted to know the answer to a question he'd ask a guest (13:45)

  • Why Larry doesn't text (15:43)

  • The story of how Larry picked “King” as his last name for the radio (17:51)

  • What Larry learned from all the athletes he interviewed (26:19)

  • The story that gave me chills from one of Larry's favorite interviews (31:30)

  • The one person Larry wants to interview that he hasn't been able to yet (34:09)

  • Why Larry doesn't want to die (41:47)

  • The question Larry would ask God if he knew he'd get an answer (43:41)

  • What super power he would choose (43:50)

  • Plus much more…

Continue Seeking Greatness:



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Did you enjoy the podcast?

What a legend. Which story that Larry told did you connect with the most?

“You can use the power of the voice to do anything.”


The post Larry King: What 60,000 Interviews Taught Him About What Really Matters appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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