Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Art of Masculinity with Chris Lee


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Yes, we are continuing the discussion of what masculinity truly is on The School of Greatness.

This is in part because I am writing a book about it, but also because I'm just fascinated by this topic.

And my coach and close friend Chris Lee was in town last week, so I had to get his thoughts on it.

If you're a longtime fan of the podcast, you already know who Chris is.

This is his 8th full episode on the show – that's right. He's pretty much the resident guest.

But this episode is different than our previous ones.

Not only does Chris call me out on some of my own behavior, but he shares some of his story that he never has before.

It turned out to be a powerful conversation that I can't wait to get your thoughts on.

No matter if you're a man or woman, listen with open ears to this thought-provoking conversation in Episode 362 with Coach Chris Lee.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Men don't realize that the key to their success and their power is their heart.”

Some questions I ask:

  • What's the main mask you see that men wear? (16:45)

  • What are some tools for men to practice vulnerability? (26:43)

  • What are some ways for a woman to get her man to open up? (31:60)

  • What are the differences in masculinity for straight men and gay men? (34:30)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What it was like for Chris to grow up in Puerto Rico in a Catholic family as a gay man (6:02)

  • Where men's power actual comes from (13:03)

  • The coaching Chris gave me before a big speech that I've never forgotten (14:45)

  • Why it's so hard for men to say “I'm sorry” (17:30)

  • What makes me uncomfortable  with vulnerability (19:39)

  • Chris's definition of masculinity (21:50)

  • Why men in our society die earlier than women (42:24)

  • Plus much more…




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“Masculinity is to lift others up.”

The post The Art of Masculinity with Chris Lee appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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