Monday, August 29, 2016

Rob Dyrdek: From Small Town Skateboarder to Media Mogul Empire


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I know I always say I'm excited about each episode of The School of Greatness.

But I'm REALLY excited about this episode.

And not just because the guest is another Ohio boy!

(But I wore one of my best Ohio shirts and hats when he came by the studio.)

You probably already know him from his multiple hit shows on MTV.

Or from his long list of world records in skateboarding.

Or for his incredible branding with labels like DC shoes.

Even if you've somehow never heard of Rob Dyrdek, you're in for a huge treat.

Rob is cool for many reasons.

But I literally couldn't stop asking him questions during this interview because he is so SMART when it comes to business, entrepreneurship, focus, habits, and vision.

Just a few of my favorite things 
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