Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How To Become A Morning Person & Love It

Statistics show the most successful people in the world are… you guessed it. Morning people.


CEOs, entrepreneurs, artists, influencers and countless people deemed to be successful, have a secret weapon that we all have access to. A weapon right in front of us: The early morning.

Sadly, most people don’t take advantage of this asset. Studies have proven that only 10% of people are considered consistent early risers (those who wake up at 6:00am or earlier), 10% are considered night owls and 80% fall somewhere in the middle.

What’s shocking to me is how many people say they are “ambitious” or “driven” or “passionate” or “hustlers” yet litter their social media feeds with how they “hate Mondays” or “It’s way too early” or “I need coffee.” Instead, they continue to chase their dream by slamming the snooze button and start their mornings with the 80%. They wonder why their results aren’t different and they continue to begin their day with complaining, procrastination, frustration, or discouragement.

At the core, these people don’t have a morning problem. They have a self-discipline problem.

Being able to control the desires of your body is a skill that comes with maturity. Because real leaders know if we always did what our bodies wanted, we would be unemployed, overweight, unsuccessful, and likely in an affair.

Fact: Science has proven time and time again that your morning routine sets the rhythm for the rest of your day.

So how can we amplify our motivation and energy in the morning? How can we change the behaviors we associate with 6:00am? I made $25,000,000 before I turned 30. With that wealth, I had the freedom to wake up whenever I wanted. Even so, I chose to keep an early riser routine. Here are my 4 simple steps that are so practical, you’ll find yourself becoming the annoying, go-getter morning person you thought you’d never be. :)

1. Give Yourself 3-5 Minutes:

Don’t just jump out of bed. Wake up, stretch, rub your eyes and just lay there for 3-5 minutes. It’s critical that this pre-alert time is free of stressful thoughts and tasks of the day. Rather, keep your mind focused on step two.

2. Start With Something You Love (15 minutes):

I don’t care if it’s breakfast, a shower, sex, playing with your kids, stretching, or reading the news. Whatever it is, do it directly after step one. This will help re-associate morning time with emotions of excitement and pleasure.

3. 300 Seconds of Exercise

Within the first 30 minutes of waking up, perform a quick exercise routine. The goal here is not “fitness”, instead it’s to increase energy and stimulate your mind to elevate mental performance for the day. Furthermore, this quick routine will help release serotonin (happy hormones) during a time where you likely used to produce cortisol (stress hormones). Shockingly, science says if you do this for just 5 days, your body will begin to identify mornings with joy rather than tension and anxiety.

4. Steal Back Your Dream

I often tell people if you dislike your work, you dislike your life. No amount of creative morning steps will ever change your horrible career into your dream. If you have a business idea that intimidates you or a blog you’ve been meaning to launch or a hobby you think could pay the bills, it’s time to start. Spend the next 30 minutes investing in your dream. And if you don’t know where to begin, I can help you. Check out the video below.

Chase My Dream

Are you a morning person? If not, what has stopped you in the past? Let me know in the comments below.

Learn About My Story

PS: As a bonus, I also included this incredibly well designed infographic below. It’s worth a full read.

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*No Spam. Just Love.


The post How To Become A Morning Person & Love It appeared first on StartupCamp.

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