Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to Run a Business While Being an Olympic Athlete with Nick Symmonds

Nick Symmonds on The School of Greatness

Nick Symmonds on The School of Greatness

No secret: I freaking love the Olympics.

They are what inspired me to get off my sister’s couch and find a new sport to conquer after my football career ended.

They are what have kept me going through years of crazy training in handball while running my business.

They are what I dream about.

So any chance I get to interview an Olympian on The School of Greatness, I take.

Nick Symmonds is not just any Olympian either.

He runs faster than 99.9% of people on the planet.

He has won national championships in running.

He has been to 2 Olympic games so far (and is gunning for a slot in 2016).

And he is also an entrepreneur (self-described first and foremost as a businessman.)

Needless to say, we had a lot to talk about.

What I learned from Nick was how powerful a positive mindset is, how to bounce back from a loss, and why it’s so important to him to fight for the rights of athletes to earn higher pay.

I loved getting to know Nick on a personal level (beyond his impressive running record) and left our conversation feeling more inspired than ever to be an Olympian myself.

Welcome to a powerful conversation with Olympic runner Nick Symmonds on Episode 205.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Nick Symmonds on The School of Greatness

“There is only one thing it takes to be successful: perseverance.”

Some questions I ask:

  • What’s the mental/physical process you go through before a meet?
  • How do you handle a loss?
  • Does your body or your brain get more broken down by training and losing?
  • Did you really get started in running because of a girl?
  • What’s the story around auctioning off a piece of your shoulder for a sponsor’s temporary tattoo?
  • What are you going to do when you’re done running?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How Nick decides when to race at 95% and when he goes all out
  • That Nick runs a 3:56 mile!!
  • Why self-doubt is so toxic (and how to avoid it)
  • His new mantra: Don’t worry about anything unless there’s something to actually worry about
  • How he felt after losing at the London Olympics after running his best ever race
  • How he views his training routine like a baby (you have to take care of it every single day for it to grow and thrive)
  • That Nick views himself as a businessman who specializes in marketing and entertainment
  • How American athletes differ from other countries’ athletes in how they are paid by the government
  • The massive gap between how hard Olympians work and how little they get paid
  • How he dedicated his medal before the Sochi games to his LGBT friends
  • Nick’s advice to athlete’s looking for their niche sport: Try everything.

“Everybody is an athlete at something.”

  • Why Nick feels called to fight for the rights of athletes
  • Why he sees being the best athlete he can be a selfish endeavor (especially in relationships)
  • Plus much more…

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  • Check out Onnit and their optimal performance products. Use the code “greatness” to get 10% off your next order:

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

Wow, I get SO INSPIRED every time I talk to an Olympian. I loved hearing Nick’s wisdom on perseverance and hard work. What are you inspired to do after listening to him?

The post How to Run a Business While Being an Olympic Athlete with Nick Symmonds appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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