Thursday, July 30, 2015

Q&A: On Focus, Routine, and Family

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

Thanks to the awesome feedback you gave for the first Q&A episode on  The School of Greatness, I’m doing  a second round!

I’m in NYC all week doing book launch prep, interviews with awesome people, and enjoying the city, so I’m grateful for a minute to sit down and connect with you in the middle of everything.

I also want to say how much I love meeting you in person when you stop me on the street to say hi and tell me what your favorite podcast episode is – THANK YOU!

Makes my day every time.

This set of questions seemed to have a theme around my daily routines, focus, and accomplishments.

While I don’t have a magic answer to each of these questions, I hope my insight into how I am figuring out these challenges is helpful.

Keep it up and be sure to give me a hug if you run into me this week in NYC.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

Questions you asked:

  • How did the idea of creating a podcast come to your mind and how have you made it so successful?
  • How do you balance wanting to grow and achieve more with being grateful for the success you’ve already reached?
  • How do you stay focused on a daily basis?
  • What is your advice to a multi-passionate entrepreneur?
  • What is your daily routine?
  • Among all of your accomplishments, which makes you most proud so far?

Continue Seeking Greatness:

  • Check out Onnit and their optimal performance products. Use the code “greatness” to get 10% off your next order:

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

Loving these questions you are sending my way! Thanks for your support and let me know in the comments what you want to hear more (or less) of!

The post Q&A: On Focus, Routine, and Family appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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