Monday, July 20, 2015

Q&A: On Love, Personal Branding, Ego, and More

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

Switching it up on  The School of Greatness this week!

A lot of you have been asking for an opportunity to ask questions and get them answered on the podcast.

So I obliged :)

This week’s episode is a round of         Q & A where you submitted questions on my Facebook wall and I answered as many as I could in a short episode (thanks for asking great questions!).

I had a lot of fun doing this, so if you enjoy the format, let me know!

Welcome to the first Q & A on the podcast, Episode 204!

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Lewis Howes on The School of Greatness

“We either become great or stay average through adversity.”

Questions you asked:

  • What are the most important lessons you’ve learned about love so far in your journey?
  •  How can someone follow your path who lives outside of the USA?
  • How does one start out creating their business while still having a full-time job?
  • What are the 3 most crucial things to do while building a personal brand?
  • What keeps you awake at night and how do you relax?
  • How can someone find a coach early in life when most seem quite expensive?
  • What shifted you from “hard slog” to breakthrough?
  • What are your favorite books?
  • How do you convince a friend that they can achieve anything?
  • What are your thoughts on borrowing money in order to make money?
  • Do you still play handball?
  • Is there any area where greatness cannot be cultivated but only achieved through life’s unexpected circumstances?
  • What is a healthy amount of ego or how do you know how much success is enough?
  • What have you most learned from the big names you’ve interviewed?
  • If you knew what you know now 20 years ago, how would you have started online marketing?
  • How do you find your passion and know if it’s the right one?

Continue Seeking Greatness:

  • Check out Onnit and their optimal performance products. Use the code “greatness” to get 10% off your next order:

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

I loved hearing your questions and getting to answer them! Would you like me to do this format again?

The post Q&A: On Love, Personal Branding, Ego, and More appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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