Tuesday, July 28, 2015

5 Tips for Increasing Your Average Order Value

Marketing your ecommerce site is only one way to increase your revenue. There are other things you can do on a daily basis that just might convince buyers to order more products. You won’t even need to increase any of your prices to increase the order value. As an added bonus, these tactics will delight your customers and boost the chances they’ll be back to buy more in the future.

Free Shipping Limit

You probably can’t afford to offer free shipping on every item you sell. You can, however, offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount. Make sure this offer is in a very conspicuous place on your home page as well as the checkout page. To really amp up the order values, give reminders with every item placed in the cart to let buyers know how much more they need to order to qualify for the free shipping deal.

You can also offer various shipping levels with higher limits for each. For instance, general shipping limits, which promise delivery within 5 to 7 days, might require a limit of $50. Upgraded shipping packages that guarantee two-day delivery could require a purchase of $100 or more.

First-Time Shopper Discounts

Consider giving your first-time buyers a special discount on bundles. For instance, in exchange for their contact information, you’ll send them a discount coupon good for the purchase of three T-shirts. You can also provide this discount for a certain price point, such as $10 off any purchase of $50 or more.

While you’ll only benefit from increased order values one time for each buyer, you can be sure this tactic will bring in more new buyers. Not only will you catch those who might not have planned a purchase, but you’ll also get all their friends when they go share their luck on social media.

Bundling Deals or “Mix and Match”

When you spot a “5 for $5” bin in a store, can you pass it up? Probably not. The same is true for bargain bins on your ecommerce site. With a special page dedicated to bundled deals, you can really amp up your sales.

Whether you give a special deal on a bundle of the same items—such as 4 T-shirts for $20—or bundle like items together—for instance, free charger cord and iTunes gift card with purchase of iPod—the outcome is the same. No one can pass up the chance to get more for less.

Special Discount Page

Whether you like it or not, consumers will seek out discounts from third-party sites. You can nip this kind of activity in the bud by providing that information on your website. Create a page that includes all your latest deals, whether it’s 30% off select items, 10% off the entire order, $15 off order of $75 or more, or special holiday discounts that will expire within a few days.

By doing so, you cut down on the traffic to those third-party sites and keep it right where it needs to be: there on your website.

Special Deals for Abandoned Carts

This can be a touchy one, especially if you get a reputation for rewarding abandoned carts. By implementing the tactic for a certain cart amount or for first-time abandoners only—or whatever parameters you want to set, really—you can gain back lost customers and increase their spend amount at the same time.

Simply provide a special deal to those who abandoned their cart. This might be a free item, free shipping, or a discount on the entire purchase if they complete the process within a certain time frame.

How many of these techniques are you already using with your ecommerce website?

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