Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The 4 Things You Need to Reach Customers on Facebook

This primer will teach business owners and marketers how to take advantage of all Facebook has to offer.

This Guy Got Drunk and Critiqued Our Website. Here's What He Had to Say.

A couple weeks ago, Dan Kaplan (he's not the drunk guy) published a super, ultimate, 2,200-word teardown of our homepage and sent it to us.

As the guy who was recently put in charge of the user experience for HubSpot.com, I immediately dove into his critique. It's not often that you get a deep, thoughtful analysis of your website -- so we jumped at the opportunity to see what Dan thought.

The Best Content Marketing Tools to Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

From blogging to distribution to simply staying organized, these tool are sure to set your marketing efforts in the right direction.

A Helpful Guide of Public Speaking Tips [Infographic]

If the thought of speaking in front of a crowd makes you uneasy, you're not alone. According to a study by Chapman University, public speaking is the number one fear in America -- followed closely by heights and then by bugs, snakes, and other animals. (Strangely enough, Americans are more afraid of zombies than we are of clowns or ghosts ... but that's a blog post for another day.)

Monday, March 30, 2015

How to Diagnose Your Funnel to Create Predictable Growth

If I’ve learned one thing about companies and organizations that enjoy consistent growth, it’s that they’re maniacal about monitoring their data and numbers. They’re clear on what has to happen to achieve their goals. In contrast, companies that don’t experience consistent, predictable growth also do not have clarity of their funnel metrics.

A Handy Little Guide to Creating Visual Content for Social Media [Infographic]

Want more views, clickthroughs, shares, and overall engagement on your social media posts? You're not alone. According to the 2014 State of Inbound Marketing, 84% of marketers cited organic, top-of-the-funnel sources like social media, blogs, and search engines as rising in importance in 2014.

Posting visual content is one of the most important things you can do to improve your social media strategy.

11 Content Curation Tools Every Marketer Needs

For the uninitiated, content curation is finding information relevant to your audience from a variety of sources and sharing it strategically through your communication channels. The need for great content curators has never been more urgent. There are simply too many social networks, news feeds, emails, and infographics putting demands on your time and attention.

The Rise of the Full-Time Instagrammer: Why Brands Pay for Photos From Everyday Celebrities

Patrick Janelle has a dream job.

That's the first thing I thought to myself when I heard him tell the audience at Social Media Week NYC that he is a full-time Instagrammer.

Yup, that's right: Thanks to an extensive background in graphic design and a very high follower count, Patrick's full-time job is to do cool things and go to cool places, take beautiful pictures of his experiences, and post them to his personal Instagram account, @aguynamedpatrick.

Should You Attend That Event? 9 Questions to Help You Find Out

Figuring out whether you and your team should attend a conference can be tricky. Getting out of the office sounds like a no-brainer, but when you start thinking about taking time "off," traveling, paying for the conference itself, and what you'll actually do once you get there, the answer starts to feel a little less clear.

So how can you figure out whether a conference is "worth it" to attend?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

4 Ways to Delight Visitors With Your 404 Error Page

This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

We’ve all seen them before: the frustrating little pages that appear when you click a broken link on a website. Maybe the developer forgot to remove that link when they deleted that blog post. Or maybe they updated the site and an extra sneaky character got into the link URL.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

How Levi's Became a Brand With Staying Power

With 162 years under its belt, the denim company knows a thing or two about great branding.

4 Things to Consider Before You Get a PR Team

How to know if you're really ready for the media coverage you crave.

How 16 of the Most Successful Social Sellers Schedule Their Days [Infographic]

This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

One of the most common hurdles to social selling adoption is lack of time. Salespeople's days are packed with meetings, demos, emails, and prospecting calls. Where can they find a spare 10 minutes -- much less an hour -- to monitor prospects' behavior and interact with them on social media?

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Simple Guide to Designing a Logo [Infographic]

I think most of us can agree there are generic logos in the world that we easily forget, and then there are great logos that we'll always be able to recognize (even without the brand's name attached). But what is it about a logo that makes you recognize it? What is it about the design that can elicit a memory or even a specific emotion?

If you're in the process of creating a logo for your company, you're in a unique position to make a powerful impact on how consumers perceive your brand.

10 LinkedIn Groups Every Entrepreneur Should Follow

There are at least three problems with this list. First, “entrepreneurship” is an extremely broad subject. Second, opinions are ubiquitous. Third, LinkedIn groups aren’t exactly scarce. Trying to highlight the best ones is somewhat of a fool’s errand, but you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find! With that in mind, here are ten recommendations to get you started...

15 Examples of Great Mobile Website Design

Now more than ever, businesses are focusing on creating delightful mobile website experiences. After all, 80% of Internet users are using smartphones to search online.

What's more, marketers are gearing up for a big change Google plans to make to their algorithm on April 21, 2015. While the exact parameters of the algorithm update are not yet clear, Google wrote in their official blog that they will be "expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal."

How a Good Content Strategy Can Repair Your "SEO Problem"

“We’re in dire need of some SEO help,” said the owner of a small, successful business located in central Texas. “I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong, but something’s clearly amiss. No one’s reading or sharing the content on our blog, and the information we share on social media just sits there.”

It’s impossible to work in marketing without hearing grievances like this one over and over.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

6 Reasons Why Marketers Should Bet on Podcasting

It started with a few tweets here and there asking me to start a podcast (“I don’t have time to read all your blog posts!”), a couple of guest appearances on hangouts and other marketing podcasts, and next thing I know, for Inbound Marketing Week this year, I launched The Superheroes of Marketing podcast.

There is more to it than that, obviously. And the challenges were well, challenging… I’m not good with hardware. Wires and plugs all look the same to me. As an introvert, the performance part of the project is exhausting. Like everyone else, I’m busy. Really busy. Podcasting is extremely time consuming (more so than I expected).

But, here I am, planning, scheduling, recording and editing a weekly podcast with my co-host, Kelly Kranz. Am I crazy? Maybe. But here's why it works.