Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Art of Gift Giving with John Ruhlin


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What does the top salesman for Cutco knives know about giving the best gifts in the world?

A lot it turns out.

I met John Ruhlin years ago but it wasn't until he reached out to me after my book launch that I realized his full genius. John offered to help me send thank yous to the people who supported me in my book launch and he was a lifesaver.

While in college, John started selling kitchen knives for Cutco, and to this day he still holds the top sales record.

But what he learned while selling knives went far beyond sales.

John is now the founder of Ruhlin Group, a consulting company that helps other companies find and give the perfect gifts to their clients as thank yous.

If you've ever struggled to pick and package a gift, you know how valuable this skill is.

But the reason I wanted to have him come on  The School of Greatness went beyond learning how to pick the right gift.

As John explains in our conversation, gift giving is one of the most impactful actions you can take in your business (and for any relationship in your life).

And when you do it right, the benefits to both you and the recipient are immeasurable.

I know you'll be thinking about gift giving in a whole new light after listening to him in Episode 344.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“You'll never regret giving more than is reasonable.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Why do you pay to have all your employee's homes cleaned every month? (2:09)

  • When did you start learning about gifting? (6:35)

  • Why is the law of reciprocity so powerful? (15:26)

  • How does gifting play in with time and helping people? (16:47)

  • Can you go too far with gifting? (41:04)

  • How important is the presentation of the gift? (50:24)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How to turn a gift into an artifact that has real value (9:26)

  • Why John hates the term “token of appreciation” (19:14)

  • The difference between an inspiration gift and a referral gift (21:06)

  • How to choose the perfect gift (23:44)

  • The formula to shock and awe the people you give gifts to (36:48)

  • The crazy story of how John proposed to his wife (42:35)

  • Plus much more…



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  • Music Credit: Holo by Ampyx

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

Wow, John has me thinking about the power of gifts in a whole new way. What's the best gift you've ever received?

“Ask yourself 'What's the most I can do?' instead of 'What's the least I can get away with?'”

The post The Art of Gift Giving with John Ruhlin appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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