Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rainn Wilson on Acting, Spirituality and Living Your Purpose


Rainn Wilson on Acting, Spirituality and Living Your Purpose post image

If you're a fan of NBC's wildly popular show The Office (all 9 seasons), you'll be really excited for this episode of The School of Greatness.

I got to sit down with the one and only Rainn Wilson, the actor who played Dwight Schrute on the show.

Although we did discuss his iconic role and how getting that job changed his life and career, we discussed much bigger topics too.

Rainn is a brilliant person with a deeply spiritual side, and we got into all of the big questions about life and the role of spirituality in guiding us to our purpose.

He also shared what a challenging road his career has taken and what he has learned from the struggle.

And we talked all about his super popular media company, Soul Pancake, which explores the why of life through amazing videos and other media.

If you think Rainn is only the personality behind his TV characters, you're in for a treat with how amazing, smart and big-hearted he actually is in Episode 339.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“If you just believe in yourself, it's a lot of ego.”

Some questions I ask:

  • How can you tell the difference between self-delusion and trusting the process? (8:27)

  • What is the Ba'hai faith? (16:29)

  • Why do you think you were created? (33:52)

  • Should we be pursuing what we love the most and making that our purpose or should we be figuring out our purpose and making that something we love to do? (36:38)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • How much Rainn struggled as an actor before he made it on The Office (3:30)

  • What he would be doing now if he hadn't gotten the role in The Office (9:20)

  • The role of spirituality to help you keep grounded in your career (15:26)

  • What prompted Rainn's return to spirituality as an adult (23:17)

  • The #1 big question people have about life (24:09)

  • Plus much more…




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Rainn is a genius in more ways than one. Do you agree with his viewpoints on spirituality?


The post Rainn Wilson on Acting, Spirituality and Living Your Purpose appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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