Thursday, June 9, 2016

Prepare, Focus, and Let Go


Prepare, Focus, and Let Go post image

Guess what? I'm getting on a plane this week to go back to South America to compete in the Pan American championships for Team Handball with the USA team.

I didn't know if I'd have the chance this year, but it came up last minute and I took it.

Which brings up the question, how am I leaving the country for 2 weeks last minute and who is going to run my business? How can I turn over control of everything going on to my team?

That's what I wanted to talk about on 5 Min Friday on The School of Greatness.

There's a formula to do this that I've been following for years and I'm talking about it today in Episode 340.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“The only way you can perform at your best is if you let go and focus in the moment.”

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  • Music Credit: Joyride by Aarre & Kedam

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What are you preparing for right now? Is it time to let go?


The post Prepare, Focus, and Let Go appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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