Monday, June 6, 2016

Love Louder and Deepen Relationships with Preston Smiles


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It's not often that I get to bring on a really good personal friend to be a guest on The School of Greatness.

But today one of my good buddies, Preston Smiles, is on the show to talk about his message – and it's powerful.

Preston and I met a few years ago and ended up doing some incredible, intense training together in emotional intelligence and leadership.

So we know each other really well.

And that's just the starting point of where our conversation goes.

Preston is an extraordinary man who has had some powerful life experiences that completely changed his viewpoint on his purpose in life. He has become a devoted ambassador of the power of love, but not in a fluffy kind of way. In a very real, very impactful way.

He has created a huge YouTube following around his messaging, as well as a coaching business, and now is releasing his first book.

In this conversation, we dive into all the struggles that love brings up in relationships, with ourselves, and in the world. And he gives some great insight into how to stay grounded and calm no matter what is going on.

I invite you to open your heart and learn about what love really is in Episode 338 with Preston Smiles.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

“When you choose to step into your calling, it will make room for you.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Why did you change your last name to Smiles? (14:18)

  • What is the thing missing from your life right now? (17:01)

  • What do you see missing in relationships between men and women? (20:15)

  • Why do so many people struggle to have integrity in their relationships? (31:54)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The story of Preston watching a woman die in his arms and how it impacted his next work (9:35)

  • What happens when two partners insist on staying in their masculine energy instead of creating space for the feminine (35:01)

  • Why it's so important for men and women to dance between their masculine and feminine energies (36:36)

  • Plus much more…





Continue Seeking Greatness:

preston smiles book


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Preston is the man when it comes to loving unapologetically. Do you think it's possible to love like he says?

“Whatever you practice more of you get more of.”


The post Love Louder and Deepen Relationships with Preston Smiles appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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