Saturday, January 31, 2015

How Preet Bharara Became The Southern District's Million Dollar Man

How do you become fearless and financially secure enough to make enemies of New York’s wealthy and politically powerful? A seven-figure check from Amazon certainly helps.

Getty Images Spencer Platt

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has jailed a hedge fund billionaire, taken one of the most successful hedge fund traders of all time out of the money management business, extracted multibillion settlements and guilty pleas out of global megabanks, and is now in the midst of an investigation of New York state powerbrokers that's already garnered an indictment and arrest of Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver.

He's a man who, many believe, gives few fucks. But while a righteous, fearless, take-many-prisoners philosophy of law enforcement may be the central motivation for his lonely crusade, there's another factor worth taking into account. It's easier to make enemies of the rich and powerful when you are already financially secure, and in 2011 Preet Bharara became a dotcom millionaire.

But only just. Bharara was an early investor in Quidsi, the parent company of, which was co-founded by his brother, Vinit. When Amazon acquired the company for $545 million in 2011, Bharara earned his cut. The number has not been previously reported, but was "a little over one million" in cash, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's office told BuzzFeed News.

Bharara has typically demurred when asked by reporters to disclose just how much he made, saying at a conference hosted by The New York Times' finance site DealBook that he is not independently wealthy "compared to the people in this room." He also said that when he goes out to eat with Vinit, his younger brother picks up the tab, since he "came into a little bit of cash."

For a financial disclosure covering 2010, Bharara listed his shares as being worth between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. His total profit from the investment can't be determined because it's not known how much he put in initially. On a 2009 questionnaire he filled out in connection to his appointment, he said his net worth was $1.65 million. That same questionnaire put the value of his 42,949 shares at $206,000. Bharara has three children and has earned a government salary for most of his professional life. In 2000 he started as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Southern District, and in 2005 he became Democratic senator Charles Schumer's chief counsel.

In a 2013 financial disclosure, in which Bharara was not required to list his net worth, he listed a number of assets, none of which were individually valued at more than $500,000.

Bharara has shown no sign of slowing down his high-profile public corruption investigations, saying in a press conference following the Silver arrest to "stay tuned." Bharara has repeatedly said that he doesn't have ambitions beyond his U.S. Attorney job, despite frequent speculation that he has his sights set on higher office. One avenue for advancement was blocked when his neighboring U.S. Attorney, Loretta Lynch of New York's Eastern District, was nominated to replace Eric Holder as Attorney General.

Bharara told the Times in August that he has no interest in elected office. "My concern is I'm not sure I have a taste for anything but this."

Luckily, It's a taste he can afford, for now.

Bharara's confirmation questionnaire from July, 2009 (via Main Justice)

Bharara's confirmation questionnaire from July, 2009 (via Main Justice)

Bharara's financial disclosure covering 2010

Bharara's financial disclosure covering 2010

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How to Use Psychological Biases to Sell Better and Faster

This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

For all the powerful processing work the human mind can do, it's still prone to making bizarre assumptions or jumping to an illogical conclusion every now and then. Problem is, we don't even recognize these patterns as strange.

Friday, January 30, 2015

For Native Advertising, The Best Is Yet to Come

After examining the trajectory and possibility of native solutions, it is clear that native will help marketers win big in the new year.

McDonald's New Promotion: We'll Trade Our Fries For Your Love

After pushing back against reports of a new “Lovin’ Beats Hatin’” advertising slogan, McDonald’s has released its lovin’-themed marketing campaign.


Love might not be able to conquer all, or save ousted McDonald's CEO Donald Thompson's job. But for a limited time, it will be accepted, occasionally, as legal tender in exchange for a burger and fries at McDonald's outlets.

In late October, the Wall Street Journal reported McDonald's would soon roll out a new advertising campaign built around the slogan "Lovin' Beats Hatin', a play on (but not a replacement of) its long-running "I'm Lovin' It" line. A Super Bowl ad would help kick off the campaign, the report said.

The internet responded with a healthy round of ridicule, and McDonald's claimed there had been some degree of "misreporting" around the story, without fully denying it.

"It's highly speculative and premature to talk about Super Bowl ads and future campaigns," a McDonald's spokesperson said at the time.

But it's no longer highly speculative: Here's the McDonald's Super Bowl ad. There's no Lovin' Beats Hatin' tagline, but it's all about the lovin', most specifically a cloyingly sweet central premise involving giving people free food in return for them showing some love to the people closest to them.

Starting Monday, Feb. 2, McDonald's will be randomly accepting a new form of payment. Customers who enter participating McDonald's restaurants* across the US at randomized, predetermined times between Monday, Feb. 2 and Saturday, Feb. 14 from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time each day will be selected to participate to Pay with Lovin'. Once a selected customer has completed his or her order and presented a method of payment, the restaurant Guest Service Manager or Lovin' Lead will explain that McDonald's is doing something special that day, and the customer will be given the option to pay for his or her order with an act of Lovin' instead. For instance, breakfast might cost a friendly fist bump to the crew member on duty, lunch could be paid for with a call to a loved one and dinner could go for a compliment.

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How Product Packaging Influences Buying Decisions [Infographic]

This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

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The post Top 10 Reasons Why Webinars are the Best Marketing Tool appeared first on Lewis Howes.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

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Netflix, Airbnb & Reebok: The Major Logo Redesigns of 2014 [Infographic]

This post originally appeared on Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

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