Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Power of Masterminds and High End Coaching with Bedros Keuilian


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Some people are naturally really wise when it comes to business and relationships.

Others work really hard to learn these same skills.

And others combine the power of the two traits. That is the case with today's guest on The School of Greatness, my good friend Bedros Keuilian.

Bedros is an incredibly successful business coach in the fitness industry who runs several very high-level mastermind groups.

But he is much more than that.

He is a sincere friend, colleague, and businessman who gives his knowledge away generously.

So I was really excited to bring him on the podcast to learn his insights on building powerful masterminds and coaching businesses.

Needless to say, he delivered.

If you have been considering coaching, or wanting to take your coaching business to the next level (as I have), this is a gold mine of information for you in Episode 330.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Take advice from someone who's been there and done that.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Who is a good fit for becoming a high level coach or consultant? (1:37)

  • How has CrossFit affected your business? Helped or hurt it? (4:44)

  • Should everyone find a mastermind to join? (9:35)

  • What's the best way to structure a mastermind? (19:13)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • What stops personal trainers from making the impact and money they really desire (2:50)

  • Why it pays to go to bed and get up at the exact same time every day of the week no matter what (15:50)

  • The real value of charging a premium price for your services (22:00)

  • The power of asking for permission instead of telling people what to do (32:30)

  • If you have over 20% of clients paying in full for your product, you aren't charging enough (35:51)

  • Plus much more…

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  • Check out my new favorite mattress, Leesa, and get a 100 day risk-free trial and $75 off your order at

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  • Music Credit: Outsiders by CHVSE & Regular Students

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Wow, Bedros is the real deal. What did you learn in this episode?

“Commitment and consistency go hand in hand.”

The post The Power of Masterminds and High End Coaching with Bedros Keuilian appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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