Monday, May 16, 2016

Breaking Free from the Matrix and Living Mindfully with Carrie-Anne Moss


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If you were alive in 1999, you remember hearing about The Matrix movie.

And even if you weren't, you've no doubt heard about it since.

It's an incredible film that started a huge movement in media and our culture.

You'll recognize today's guest on The School of Greatness from those movies – yes, the lead female character, Trinity, was played by Carrie-Anne Moss.

Now, whether or not you like the Matrix films, I am very confident you'll love Carrie.

We were just recently introduced and when we started talking, I was immediately impressed with her mindfulness, calm, and fierce heart.

In our conversation, we go deep – into all parts of life including family, motherhood, disconnecting from technology, self-worth, career, and so much more.

I loved talking to Carrie about all of this, and I was especially inspired by how she has gracefully balanced so many big demands of her time and energy through the years.

I can't wait to hear your thoughts about what we talk about, and for you to hear the stories from her acting career, in Episode 329.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“When you are connected to yourself, you know what you need.”

Some questions I ask:

  • What do you think people are missing the most right now? (15:16)

  • How do you make time for meditation and yoga as a busy working mom? (21:53)

  • What's the biggest lesson you've learned as an actor that you apply to real life? (32:16)

  • While filming The Matrix, did you know it was going to have such a big impact? (42:08)

  • How can we break free from the addiction to technology? (54:46)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The incredible power of visualization to create the life you dream of (8:19)

  • How to live fully in the present and enjoy it completely (12:01)

  • What is possible when you commit to a daily meditation practice (19:00)

  • How Carrie-Anne made it in Hollywood with nothing starting out (29:25)

  • The value of finding your self-worth outside of your job (36:24)

  • What Carrie-Anne's training looked like in preparation for filming The Matrix (43:00)

  • Plus much more…

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  • Music Credit: Changes by Axel Wernberg

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How are you creating mindfulness in your life? Did what Carrie-Anne talk about resonate with you?

“Don't judge your insides by other people's outsides.”


The post Breaking Free from the Matrix and Living Mindfully with Carrie-Anne Moss appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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