Monday, May 2, 2016

Get Fit and Become an Entrepreneur at 40 with Natalie Jill


Get Fit and Become an Entrepreneur at 40 with Natalie Jill post image

This is an interview I've been waiting months to share with you on  The School of Greatness.

And it's worth the wait :)

My good friend Natalie Jill is a social media queen, a 7 figure entrepreneur, and an incredibly popular fitness and diet trainer who has built one of the most successful online businesses in the fitness space – all starting at the age of 40.

Yes, that's right.

She left her profitable corporate sales job after the end of a marriage and her own declining health and decided it was time to get back to who she really was.

This turned into an amazing and fulfilling new career, relationship, and healthy body – and she has never looked back.

In our conversation, we get candid about all parts of this transformation – and Natalie gives great insight into what it really takes to make massive life changes successful.

It's a pleasure to bring you this Episode 323 with trainer Natalie Jill.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Excuses or solutions – you decide.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Why do you think people want to buy from you over other fitness trainers? (12:43)

  • What is the key to sustaining a fitness and diet plan? (13:56)

  • How can you be emotionally fit on a daily basis? (22:48)

  • What do you recommend for maintaining a healthy relationship when you work with your significant other? (33:50)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The power of testimonials to grow your business (9:08)

  • Why it's so important to listen to what your clients are asking for (9:45)

  • The psychology of adding things into your life versus removing things (24:48)

  • Why Natalie Jill gives 95% of her content away for free (26:49)

  • Plus much more…

Continue Seeking Greatness:

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Wow, if you've been feeling depressed and unhappy with your body – now you know what to do! Get Natalie's book and start following her on social media.


The post Get Fit and Become an Entrepreneur at 40 with Natalie Jill appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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