Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What to Start, When to Stop, and How to Play Team

Lewis Howes on the School of Greatness

Lewis Howes on the School of Greatness

Bringing back the Q&A format today since it’s been a little bit.

I got great questions from you on Facebook – thank you! – and they seemed to focus on finding the work you are best suited to, what to do when that changes, and how to work with people.

I love talking about all those things, so I gave you my best insight.

Also, you asked me about my goals for next year :)

I’m saving the big announcements for a dedicated episode soon, but let’s just say I’m getting back to dreaming big now that the book is a #2 NYT best seller.

Excited to answer your questions in Episode 264 on The School of Greatness.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Lewis Howes on the School of Greatness

“A strong vision is bigger than your excuses.”

Some questions I ask:

  • How do you push through the day when you’re exhausted and still need to be around your fans?
  • What was your most fulfilling moment of 2015?
  • What’s your biggest goal for 2016?
  •  What keeps you motivated when you don’t see the results you want?
  • What does your daily routine look like?
  • What would you say to someone who loves what they do at work but isn’t super great at it?
  • What is your advice for team building when part of the team is remote?
  • What has helped you the most with overcoming fears of having both love and business success?
  • What would you do if you achieved your dream after years of hard work, hustle, and heartbreak only to realize it wasn’t your dream anymore?
  • What types of personal development books do you read?
  • Who do you look up to for motivation?
  • What is your definition of greatness?
  • Are more entrepreneurs targeting fitness professionals because it’s that time of year or because that industry is booming?
  • What methods or tools do you use to maximize your time and be the most productive during the day?

Continue Seeking Greatness:

  • Check out Trim and their awesome shirts for fit men. Use the code greatness20 to get 20% off your next order:

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The post What to Start, When to Stop, and How to Play Team appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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