Thursday, August 6, 2015

How Old Is Too Old To Start A Business?

Have you ever asked someone how old they are and it actually takes them a minute to answer? As if they truly forgot… I believe it’s moments like these that produce a subtle fear of aging in young people.

If you’ve followed me long, you know I love to dream. I love to launch businesses and movements and ideas. In my opinion, it’s dreaming which makes life so vibrant.

As we grow older (even our 30’s and 40’s), many of us forget this important art. We feel irrelevant and lack the energy to pursue ideas like we used to.

We become stuck in routines, responsibilities, and predictabilities.

But let’s remember this, even though you hear about hundreds of twenty-somethings launching new companies and star careers from Facebook to tech devices, their smarts are only as strong as their wisdom.

Which leads me to my point. Age has something that youthfulness will never have. Experience, discernment, patience, and perspective. While doing some research for this article, I came across this video. It’s provides all of us a reminder we truly need.

When it comes to chasing a dream or starting a business, what a person might lack in youthful energy comes back multiplied in wisdom.

As you may have expected, dreaming has no age limit. It’s the fuel for life. I don’t care if you’re 55, 43, or 86… go start something new, launch a blog, take an adventure with your spouse, and shake the very foundations of our culture. We need it.

Do you still dream? Do your parents still dream? What do you think is stopping people? If you’re ready to take the next step in a new adventure, let me help you. Our 12 month step-by-step curriculum will guide you every step of the way.

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Photo Credit: KN Photo

The post How Old Is Too Old To Start A Business? appeared first on StartupCamp.

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