Friday, August 14, 2015

3 Sales Lessons From Millionaire Masters

Every startup entrepreneur knows that closing a sale is a complete mental game. It’s incredible watching savvy sales people lock down a killer deal or relationship or even sway someone’s opinion.

If you look closely, you see how they craft their responses, monitor their body language, and meticulously manage each specific word streaming from their mouth. It’s almost like they’re tracking toward a secret entrance into the human mind.

I know this, because I have that skill. I made my first million leveraging this ability to a flaw. Some people might call it a gift. I call it a responsibility. As I’ve matured, I require myself to remain in control of my desires and build my wealth with honor.


Because unless you’re living under a rock, you know how people feel about salesmen. A recent Gallup poll on the honesty and ethical conduct of business professionals found that insurance salespeople and car salespeople ranked at the bottom of the list. Bet you’re not surprised to hear this. But it’s not just car salespeople who have a bad reputation. The study continues to show that 85 percent of consumers have a negative view of all salespeople.

But one thing reigns true: Just because you can close deals, doesn’t make you the best sales person.

There’s nothing worse than being the most successful person that nobody likes.

The best sales people are honest, authentic, and transparent. They are truly likable individuals whose personalities are uncommonly contagious.

It’s fascinating to watch businesses spend millions learning how to make a sale. Maybe it’s an author’s 5 part process or how to use certain words with certain people. But only the best dig deeper. Below the surface is the secret only millionaires master:

Brilliant salesmanship runs parallel to how the human brain was designed.

Throughout history you see people enamored over the same few character traits: Love, Courage, Integrity, Authenticity, Generosity, and Transparency. We think of Lincoln, MLK, Mandela, Mother Teresa, Warren Buffet and even Jesus. We build movies, books, stories, and even legends around these topics. They are simple, but complex. Basic, but sophisticated. Easy, but demanding. And interestingly, even as adults, we still struggle with each of them.

A great salesman is a master of character.

They know without their integrity, there is no class, no course, and no book that will help them close more deals. If you lie, you will lose. If you cheat, you will fail. If you deceive, you will disappoint.

Science has proved the human mind was made for love and truth. When our sales efforts gush these traits, there is nothing stopping us.

So, here are 3 sales lessons from millionaire masters:

1. Be Unbelievably Empathetic

Consumers are homesick for a sales person who truly cares for them. Empathy is a form of love. When you can show a genuine sense of care for another’s position, especially while trying to sell them something, their willingness to open up will skyrocket. By recognizing their humanness and not taking advantage of their vulnerabilities, you build trust. Show people empathy, and you’ll close more deals. It’s that simple.

Action Point: Next time you’re making a sale, start by asking yourself, “how can I make this person feel valued? What fears do they have regarding me or this sale? How can I help this person become who they want to be?”

2. Remember They Are A Human, Not A Prize.

The moment we place profit over people, the deal will crumble. Humans have a great sense of validity and if they sense the deal is a win-lose… They’re out. Treat people how you want to be treated. Work hard for them to win too. Recognize the intrinsic value they have. Put them above yourself. And work to build their relationship, not just their sale. It’s this shift in thinking that will keep you closing more times than not.

Action Point: Next time you’re making a sale, imagine you’re building a life long relationship. Plan on seeing these people again and again. Watch how that shift in thinking will change the words that leave your lips.

3. Generosity Is Like A Boomerang

Generosity is less like an arrow and more like a boomerang. It comes back to you. When you’re trying to sell, give. Give so much that it hurts. Give so much that people are caught off guard. If you don’t learn this lesson you might win the singular sales battle, but you’ll lose the “word of mouth” war.

Action Point: What could you give to someone that would blow their mind? How can you go above and beyond with your time to leave your customer feeling nothing short of impressed?

Are you an aspiring millionaire? Are you hoping to launch your own business? Over the past 10 years, I’ve launched 7 companies producing over $25 million in revenue. I’ve packaged my learnings, secrets, and tricks into what I believe is one of the best entrepreneurship schools on the market. You can learn more in the video below.

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What foundational sales tips have you used? What are your thoughts on these strategies? Let me know in the comments below.

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The post 3 Sales Lessons From Millionaire Masters appeared first on StartupCamp.

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