Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Sh*t Buyers Say, Translated [Comic]


This post originally appeared on HubSpot's Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

Sales can be a bit like detective work at times. It would be nice if you could take everything your prospects said at face value. But, as any sharp salesperson knows, buyers aren't always forthcoming or totally honest about what they're really thinking.

Take pricing objections, for instance. They tend to sound something like this: "I'm not so sure about the price ... "

Alas, this simple phrase can have one of a plethora of meanings:

  • "I just committed to another project yesterday, so the budget is tight."
  • "I heard you gave Company Inc. a 10% discount. I want one, too!"
  • "This is actually less expensive than I expected. Did you remember to account for all the features I want?"
  • "Purchases over $100 have to go through my boss, and she's really busy right now."
  • "I was quoted another number by your colleague a month ago."

How does a seller connect a prospect's seemingly straightforward phrase with their secret meaning? They don their Sherlock Holmes hats and ask pertinent questions to reveal the buyer's true feelings.

If you've ever longed for a what-my-buyer-is-saying to what-they-actually-mean translator, today's your lucky day. The comic below takes a humorous look at eight common "buyerpspeakerisms" and translates them into plain English. But it's not all fun and games -- take a look at the last panel for an actionable takeaway.

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