Friday, June 26, 2015

8 Examples of Brilliant Healthcare Marketing


Every now and then, a healthcare organization creates a stellar piece of content, launches a particularly clever social media campaign, or proves that they just get their target audience in a way that makes us fans of healthcare marketing just want to stand up and clap.

Sure, the healthcare industry may have once been considered a slow adopter to the world of inbound marketing, but it’s safe to say that these eight examples of true marketing brilliance are busy making up for lost time.

1) Carilion Clinic: #YESMAMM

Over four years ago, in order to raise awareness about breast cancer and the need for early detection, Carilion Clinic of Virginia’s Roanoke Valley started the “Yes, Mamm” campaign.

Whether using the hashtag to answer common breast cancer questions in a Twitterchat or driving traffic to their website to encourage women to make an appointment at one of their screening locations, #YESMAMM is a perfect example of the power of hashtags to start a movement.

2) United Healthcare: We Dare You To...

The multi-award winning “We Dare You” campaign from United Healthcare stands out as the gold standard for what can happen when healthcare organizations engage with their following.

With monthly “dares,” quizzes, and prizes on their website, United Healthcare encourages followers to make one small healthy change per month and document it on social media. This interactive campaign not only leads to healthier habits, but it also fosters an interactive online community of brand loyalists.

3) Anne Arundel’s Medical Center: Stachie Facebook Contest

This contest, organized by Anne Arundel’s Medical Center, asked participants to post their best “stachie,” – otherwise known as a selfie with either a real or fake mustache. The purpose was to raise awareness for men’s health during November (or, “Movember” or “No Shave November,” as it has popularly come to be known).

This clever contest not took advantage of social media hilarity, but it also drove traffic to the medical center’s webpage for Men’s Health, which has other attractions for awareness, like their blog, podcast, and calendar of events.

4) Dana-Farber Brigham & Women’s Cancer Center: You Have Us

It’s an incredibly powerful slogan: “Right now you may have cancer. But what your cancer doesn’t know is – You Have Us.” Through confidence-inspiring web videos, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute shows their personal approach to cancer treatment and state-of-the-art facilities.

By sharing these videos on social media (as well as using more traditional marketing techniques, like television and radio) the cancer center embodies what it means to build trust with your target audience.

5) Floating Hospital for Children – Tufts Medical Center:

One of the main covenants of effective marketing is catering to your target audience – and the online community/blog does exactly that. The content and community of support that Our Circle of Moms offers for mothers whose children are patients at the Floating Hospital for Children lives up to their slogan: “Just What Moms Ordered.”

By creating this space for mothers to find the support they need, the Floating Hospital for Children is positioning their medical center as a trusted resource for parents.

6) The Mayo Clinic: Sharing Mayo Clinic Blog

The Mayo Clinic sees patients from literally all around the world and the goal of the Sharing Mayo Clinic blog is to unite these diverse patients into a global online community. The blog showcases stories from patients, family members, and Mayo Clinic staff.

These inspiring stories and the sense of community that comes from sharing them in one place plays directly into Mayo Clinic’s well known reputation as a trusted healthcare resource. Of course, Mayo Clinic is no stranger to having multiple blogs and general healthcare marketing awesomeness, so their inclusion on this list shouldn’t come as any surprise.

7) Arkansas Children’s Hospital: #100DeadliestDays

In order for a hashtag-driven marketing campaign to be successful, it has to be memorable and worth sharing.

The shock factor of the #100DeadliestDays social media campaign from the Arkansas Children’s Hospital (in partnership with the Injury Prevention Center) aimed to raise awareness of the dangerous time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when the risk of death for children and teens is increased.

Arkansas Children’s Hospital shared safety facts and tips on their social media channels, including popular infographics, which can be seen here.

8) Banner Health: Infographics

Speaking of infographics, visual content is widely popular with digital marketing audiences, as exemplified by these helpful sugar content and flu myths infographics by Banner Health. Infographics are best used to simplify a potentially complicated or controversial topic, like children’s sugar consumption.

They tend to resonate with audiences who may not be interested in sitting down to read a full blog post on an important topic. Plus, infographics are highly shareable across all social media channels, making them a great attention-grabber to attract new patients.

Of course, this list is far from a complete collection of all the great healthcare digital marketing happening on blogs and social media. With so many ways to connect with patients and prospective patients online, healthcare organizations are finding more and more ways to market brilliantly every single day.

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