Friday, June 19, 2015

May 2015 Income Report

Welcome to This Month’s Income Report.

Last month I made $57,178.28 working from home. From the very blog you’re reading, I have built a loyal following, created quality products, and offered services to my readers that have allowed me to build a multi-million dollar venture.


I believe transparency frees. Because of this, I have decided to provide my readers with a detailed monthly report of how I've turned my dream into a profitable reality.


But remember, this was not easy. I have put in thousands of hours to create the life I want. But you can create your dream life too. Here at StartupCamp I’ll offer you a few shortcuts, help you see your blind spots, and hopefully get you building your very own profitable company, blog, or product.

Important Considerations

I must be clear that life is not about money. Wealth is merely a tool to increase the freedom, choices, and opportunities one might have. Lastly, I want my readers to know my wife and I support various charities, causes, and needs and that our hearts are centered on a healthy understanding of wealth. All of this is incredibly important points to consider as money can become damaging if not handled with honor, integrity, and responsibility.

Below, you’ll see I share everything from how I make money and where it comes from, to my monthly expenses and even my learnings.

A Little History
The previous 10 years of my life have been spent creating large companies with several employees and millions in revenue.

“But I didn’t own my companies, my companies owned me.”

Over the past year, I’ve shifted my philosophy to creating a lifestyle business around five non-negotiables so I could spend more time with my family and doing the things I love.

My 5 Non-Negotiables:

1. My work must have purpose.
2. My work must offer me freedom.
3. My work must have strong revenue potential.
4. My work must require few employees.
5. My work must allow me to live anywhere.

Important Happenings From May

1. My Book People Over Profit Launched


In November 2013, I started writing People Over Profit. On May 5th it was published to the public by Harper Collins and put into thousands of book stores across the world (Holy Crap!). On May 10th the book hit #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller’s List, The USA TODAY Bestseller’s List, and the Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller’s list. And now just 30 days after its launch, People Over Profit has sold almost 15,000 copies. You can learn more about my book in this interview I did on MSNBC below. #Humbled

2. I Finished A Large Speaking Tour

People are not born great speakers. Some might be more prone to succeeding at public speaking, but nobody starts off great. In 2012, I was a horrible speaker. I used filler words, was incredibly nervous, my presentations felt scripted, and my content wasn’t that great.


Today, after hundreds of hours of practice and a few sessions with a great speaking coach, I feel strong on stage. In May, I took my family on a speaking tour for the book launch. Here’s where we went (mind you we had a baby with us too).

Bend > Portland > Los Angeles > Maui > Sacramento > Seattle > San Francisco > Portland > Bend (In 12 days!)

If you have the desire to become an event speaker, get out there and do it! Do some gigs for cheap. Record yourself presenting and hire a speaking agent to represent you. Most keynote speakers make $150,000+ per year. The only thing required, is action.

This Month’s Business Learning

The days are long but the years are short. Don’t miss your dream.

The average lifespan of a male in America is 76. I’m 30 at the time of this article. This means I have 46 years left on the planet. 46 years to have more children, enjoy financial freedom, travel with my wife, delight in grandchildren, watch sunsets, build great businesses, help people in need and more. And that’s only if I don’t get cancer or have a heart attack or die in a car accident.

Now I know this sounds bleak, but it’s reality. And maturity requires someone strong enough to look at the facts. I’m watching too many people let their dreams of starting their own business, blog or charity fall away. Come 5pm, their energy is gone. The passion is weakened and their desire is cold.

The lesson is this: Don’t let the exhaustion from your day job, kill the reality of your dream job.

Critical Question: What’s stopping you from starting your own small business, side business, freelance business, consulting business, Etsy shop, or blog? Are you too tired? Do you lack the discipline? If so, I can help. Consider enrolling in our step-by-step startup course.

This Month’s Cool Tools, Articles, & Books

Tool: Click Funnels:
For those who already have a business and need help driving more sales, ClickFunnels is a great tool. What is a funnel?: The intentional step by step processes, emails, videos, and calls to action that lead (or funnel) potential customers down a path toward an eventual purchase. ClickFunnels makes this process easy, trackable, and visual.

Article: The Best Pinterest Marketing Tips Tested:
If you’ve followed me long, you know I am a big advocate of Pinterest. You can follow me here. Most articles on the platform are poorly written, have bad tips, and are not useful. This article is the opposite. I was very impressed and found the content useful for my business.

Book: Good To Great By Jim Collins
If you don’t already know, I am pretty anti-college. If you’re a business minded individual, skip the $80,000 of debt and the 4 years of wasted life and read everything by Jim Collins instead. He’s written 4 great books, but start with this one.

A Look At My Team

Leadership is more than management. And employees are more than parts of your machine. It’s my belief the way you make employees feel about themselves says a lot about your business. Here is my team and the incredible roles they play in our mission to help others chase their dreams.


Amanda Ciurdar: Executive Assistant (Full Time)
Role: Schedule, Travel, Personal Tasks, & Customer Support


Dave Simon: Media Manager (Part Time)
Role: Filming, Editing, Audio Engineering, Podcast Recording, & Set Design


Ciera Rose: Social Media Manager (Part Time)
Role: Scheduling, Content Creation, Blog Editing and Email Marketing


Cory Pratt: Web Development (Retainer)
Role: Code Construction, Web Design, Wizard, & Technical Support

My Earnings in May:

Red = Lower Than Previous Month
Green = Higher Than Previous Month
Black = Stayed the Same as Previous Month

  • StartupCamp Members: $35,750.70
  • Speaking Engagements & Webinars: $0.00
  • Corporate Marketing Consulting: $1,960.00
  • One-on-One Skype Consulting: $5,910.07
  • Book Sales: $3,931.65
  • Google Adsense: $1,207.58
  • Beacon Ads: $0.00
  • Bluehost Affiliate: (my recommendation for web hosting): $6,750.00
  • Envato Affiliate: $900.00
  • Amazon Affiliate: $1768.28

Total Gross Revenue: $57,178.28

My Monthly Expenses:

  • Advertising: $478.35
    (Facebook ads & Influencer Marketing)
  • Independent Contractors: $10,929.34
  • Travel: $0.00
  • Accounting & Legal: $50.00

Monthly Subscription Expenses

  • Server Costs: $157.00
  • Rainmaker: $99
  • Zapier: $19.99
  • Grasshopper: $12.00
  • Chartbeat (Website Analytics): 9.99
  • Dropbox: $19.99
  • Mail Chimp (Email Marketing Subscription): $500.00
  • Viral Tag (Pinterest Automation): $19.99
  • Meet Edgar: $49
  • Quickbooks Online: $17.99
  • Freshbooks (Accounting Software): $29.95
  • PO BOX: $24.00
  • ShoeBoxed (Receipt App): $9.99
  • Store (Shopify): $79.00
  • Google Apps: $85.00
  • Speaking Agent Software: $54.85
  • Cell Phones: $219.00
  • Charitable Donation: $650.00

Total Expenses: $13,514.33

Total Net Profit: $43,663.95
Taxes To IRS: $13,099.18
Total Take Home: $30,563.77

How Many Hours I Worked Per Week

As I stated above, stewarding my time is not only critical, it’s a struggle. Making great income is nothing if it took you 60+ hours per week to do it. True financial success is making more income with less time. This month… I didn’t do so well.

Don’t get too busy making a living, you forget to make a life.

Week 1 = 17 hours
Week 2 = 35 hours
Week 3 = 25 hours
Week 4 = 24 hours
Total Hours Worked: 101

Website Traffic Report:

Total Visitors at 73,615
Total Page Views: 97,884
Total Visitors at 292,323
Total Page Views: 387,475
Most Popular Post On
How I Made $132,339 Last Month Blogging

Social Media Growth:

Facebook Fans:  36,224 +879 new fans this month
Twitter Followers:  141,484 +382 new followers this month
Instagram Followers:  24,097 +797 new followers this month
Tumblr Followers: 260,674 -109 followers this month
Pinterest Followers: 757,606 +283 new followers this month
StartupCamp Email Subscribers: 20,460 +891 growth this month Email Subscribers: 78,858 +1422 growth this month

Next Steps For You

Thank you for reading this month’s earnings report. If you liked what you read and want to start chasing your dream of owning a business I have listed a few important steps below:

  1. Consider enrolling in StartupCamp’s Entrepreneur Curriculum (video below)
  2. Start your own blog in 10 minutes (step-by-step guide)
  3. Buy my book People Over Profit to learn my view on leadership
  4. Subscribe to the podcast
  5. Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
  6. Signup for my weekly email of tips & tricks (at the bottom of this post)

View Pricing

If you’re interested in a 1 hour phone consulting session with me, I will be offering 5 of these 1 hour sessions for $399.00 per session ($100 off regular rates) for the month of May/June. Email if you’re interested.

To a joyous June,


Dale Partridge

Do you have questions? Do you want to work for yourself but don’t know where to begin? Let me know in the comments below.

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The post May 2015 Income Report appeared first on StartupCamp.

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