Wednesday, June 10, 2015

OOO, EOD, NRN? 20 Email Acronyms Everyone Should Know [SlideShare]


Confession: I used to speak like a robot. When I applied for my first job, I sounded something like Geoffrey the butler from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air mixed with IBM’s Watson:

Hello Sir or Madam,

This letter is to inform you of my supreme interest in the position of Marketing Associate currently available at your firm. I would be pleasantly delighted to inquire further into the details on the position. In my experience …

ZZZzzzzz. What a snoozefest.

After my first marketing job, I (thankfully) discovered that real people don't speak like robots ... but they do use a surprising number of acronyms. When I first heard terms like EOD, OOO, EOM, and NRN, the only thing that registered in my mind was HUH?

In all honesty, I felt pretty dumb for not knowing what these meant. Eventually, I figured out the important ones, but I (shamefully) avoided good email etiquette by asking others for the definition instead of simply looking them up.

Not wanting anyone else to feel dumb like I did, I created the SlideShare below that includes only the most useful email acronyms. Are you aware of them all? Flip through the slides to find out:

For more email acronym tips -- and email etiquette tips as a whole -- check out Sidekick's full list of 30 tips here.

how to write better email subject lines

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