Friday, July 22, 2016

What Are Your Agreements?


What Are Your Agreements? post image

I haven't read a lot of books in my life, but I really remember the lessons from the ones I have read.

This is definitely the case with Don Miguel Ruiz's bestselling book, The Four Agreements.

Since I just did an interview about this book today, it was on my mind.

And I did a self-check in to see how I was living the four agreements today versus when I first learned them.

These are powerful principles that have shaped so much of how I do business, show up in relationships, and make decisions in my day-to-day.

I invite you to do the same as I review them in this 5 Minute Friday Episode 357 on The School of Greatness.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


Continue Seeking Greatness:

Buy The Four Agreements

The 4 Agreements

  • Be impeccable with your word

  • Don't take anything personally

  • Don't make assumptions

  • Always do your best

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  • Music Credit: Sunset by Canvai

Did you enjoy the podcast?

Which of the agreements are you the best at? Which is your biggest struggle?


The post What Are Your Agreements? appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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