Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity


Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity post image

If you've been a fan of The School of Greatness, you're probably also a huge fan of Transformation Coach Chris Lee – the most popular repeat guest on the show.

So in honor of his new book release, Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity, we are doing our first repeat episode, which originally aired 2 years ago.

I figured a lot of the newer listeners may not have heard Episode 54, where Chris came on and talked about this exact topic, and it's a gold mine.

Chris covers the 10 principles that create an abundance mindset, which in turn creates prosperity.

Get ready to take notes (or buy the book) in Episode 320.

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The School of Greatness Podcast


“Abundance is a state of consciousness. Prosperity is a result of that consciousness.”

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The Key to an Abundant Life and How to Cultivate That Mindset

  • How to Shift Consciousness

“Most of us back out of goals just because we don't feel like keeping them anymore.”

  • Abundance isn't about what you have, but Who You Are

  • Being abundant is about having a state of consciousness and gratefulness

  • A simple abundance practice to start every single day

  • Learn the 10 Principles of Abundance

  1. Outflowing

  2. Clearing

  3. Integrity

  4. Visualization

  5. Affirmation

  6. Declaration

  7. Persistence

  8. Surrendering

  9. Sourcing

  10. Surround Yourself with Inspiring People

  • To Find Your Principles for Abundance

  • The difference between taking a stand and holding a position

“If we take responsibility for EVERYTHING, then life shows up much differently.”

  • How Jim Carrey used these principals to achieve his dreams

  • Plus much more…

“The clearer you visualize something, the more likely it is to happen”

Continue Seeking Greatness:

chris lee book

BUY CHRIS' NEW BOOK  Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity

Have you signed up for The School of Greatness Academy yet? This is my 8-week online course and mastermind that will change your life and business. If you have what it takes, apply today! I want to see you make something great. :)

School of Greatness

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Leave a comment and let us know what you learned about your own mindset around abundance!

The post Transform Your Life: 10 Principles of Abundance and Prosperity appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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