Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Michael Hyatt on Leaving the Drift & Getting Back Your Life

Michael Hyatt on The School of Greatness

Michael Hyatt on The School of Greatness

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When I get a chance to bring a guest back on The School of Greatness, it means it's going to be an awesome episode.

That's because I'm really picky about who I bring on the show to add value to you amazing listeners!

When I was in San Diego last week for a conference I had the chance to sit down with my good friend Michael Hyatt.

If you listened to the first episode we did together a couple years ago, you know how incredible he is.

Michael is an expert at goal setting, productivity, and creating a life worth living.

He brings a wealth of experience from years in executive positions and leadership to building his own company online.

In this interview, we get into some specific questions to ask yourself while creating a successful life plan.

Michael shares these and much more in Episode 318.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Michael Hyatt on The School of Greatness

“When you get clear on the what, the how starts showing up.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Is it too late for people who are in the drift already? (5:44)

  • Why do you think people don't give themselves permission to dream? (19:39)

  • What has been the key to growing your business so fast? (20:49)

  • How do you find the right people for your team? (23:00)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The 3 questions to ask yourself to live intentionally (7:05)

  • Why Michael puts himself as the #2 priority in his life (12:50)

  • How your priorities can give you courage (15:30)

  • Why it's important to write your goals in the present tense (18:25)

  • The connection between writing a book and building mystique (27:00)

  • How Michael prepares for a big speech (34:50)

  • Plus much more…


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Wow, so much inspiration and great coaching in this episode! What really stuck with you?

“People never drift to a place they would have chosen.”

The post Michael Hyatt on Leaving the Drift & Getting Back Your Life appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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