Monday, February 15, 2016

The Starmaker: 7 Strategies to Empower People Around You to Shine

Chris Lee on The School of Greatness

Chris Lee on The School of Greatness

Yes, he's back! For his eighth episode on The School of Greatness, it's Chris Lee.

In case this is your first time hearing an episode from Chris, he is a world-renowned transformational and leadership coach who has made a massive impact in my life and in thousands of others' lives.

Chris has come on the podcast many times before to talk about topics like relationships, abundance, listening, jealousy, and much more. So in this episode, we wanted to cover a topic we hadn't discussed yet.

We chose a powerful one.

Something I learned early on in my own coaching from Chris was that if I let my ego run my relationships, especially with my employees and colleagues, I would always hold myself back. Instead, I'm learning how to empower them to become the best versions of themselves, which in turn supports me and my vision.

This is something I haven't heard talked about much, but it's so important.

Chris and I dive into the top 7 ways to do this, what we call "starmaking," and you won't want to miss any of them.

Get ready for another amazing coaching episode with my favorite coach, Chris Lee, in Episode 288.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Chris Lee on The School of Greatness

"The key to success as a leader is to create stars around you."

Some questions I ask:

  • Why is it important to empower and uplift the people around you?

  • How do you hold your team as powerful?

  • What if someone feels uncomfortable acknowledging someone else?

  • How do you recommend practicing this on a regular basis?

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

The 7 Keys to Empower the People Around You

1. Identify and get over your own ego

2. See potential and possibility in the gifts of the people around you

3. Acknowledge the strengths that people have

"There's so much right about you."

4. Acknowledge people's weaknesses from a positive place

5. Develop the people around you

6. Pay it forward - have your people empower others

7. Practice consistently - appreciate the people around you

  • The importance of acknowledging yourself

  • Write notes of appreciation to people

  • Plus much more...

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Chris is the best. Who are you going to empower in your life?

"See the diamond in the people around you."

The post The Starmaker: 7 Strategies to Empower People Around You to Shine appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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