Thursday, April 30, 2015

Be Yourself

Want to build a life and business around doing what you love? Me too. Let’s connect. It is so easy to hide behind masks. To do things the way other people do them. To be a people-pleaser. To sell yourself short. But guess what? When you are not being yourself fully, whether it’s in your […]

The post Be Yourself appeared first on Lewis Howes.

ClassPass Tones Down Blog Post Encouraging 'Single Bros' to Pick Up Women at the Gym

'Between the sweat, endorphins and the potential for less clothing than usual, the stage is set for us guys to make [our] move,' the original post read.

What Consumer Brands Need to Know About YouTube

With more than 1 billion unique monthly viewers, YouTube is a distribution channel few marketers can afford to ignore.

The Tale of Two Ecommerce Companies That Turned Down Shark Tank Deals

Choosing what to sell online is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as an entrepreneur. To be successful, you need to pick products that you’re passionate about and find an ecommerce model that resonates with your personality. With that in mind, let’s look to popular TV show Shark Tank to help you get started on the right foot –– because no one embodies passion and personality like the stars of the Tank.

The Social Media Content Calendar Every Marketer Needs [Free Template]

We have a 9 a.m. meeting? Yikes! Hold on -- let me just click around the internet like a maniac to find something for the morning tweet.

Sound familiar? Scrambling for social content is not a new phenomenon. We have meetings. We run late. Things come up. And it's really hard to get any meaningful amount of work done when you have the next social media update looming over your head every 30, 60, 90 minutes. It all moves so fast that you might periodically feel a case of the vapors coming on, which is why pre-scheduled social media content should be your new best friend.

Want to Get Promoted? Impress Your Boss by Doing These 7 Things

I once made a really big hiring mistake.

After a series of promising interviews, I took on an intern whose level of professionalism, performance, and overall demeanor quickly took a turn for the worst.

After a discussion with my supervisor, we agreed that it was in the best interest of everyone to not move forward with the internship.

Inside Warby Parker: How Vision, Mission & Culture Helped Build a Billion Dollar Business

Most business school conversations over beers end with a hangover -- Neil Blumenthal’s ended with a billion dollar business.

If you aren’t familiar with Neil’s name, you’re likely familiar with the brand he and his co-founders started: Warby Parker. Because Warby’s brand is ubiquitous thanks to the company’s product and marketing success, many consumers all over the globe think of the company as an overnight success. In reality, the brand is a product of years of blood, sweat, and of course, a few beers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A 4-Step Plan for Customer Follow Up

When the answer is "no," rephrase the question.

4 Essentials for Capturing and Converting Mobile Shoppers

Mobile devices are surpassing desktops for online shopping. Small screens and slower browsing are challenges marketers need to address.

Hashing Out Hashtags: What They Are & How to Use Them [Infographic]

What do overalls, Mariah Carey's Christmas album, and hashtags all have in common?

Believe it or not, they are all products of the 90s.

While hashtags didn't rise to popularity (with the help of Twitter) until after 2007, they were actually first used during the late 90s to categorize items into groups on IRC (Internet Relay Chat.)

8 Email Workflow Tips for the College Admissions Process

One of the key elements of inbound marketing is the use of automated workflows because they allow you to better engage leads through a set of targeted emails, while saving time by automating the process. Workflows can be a helpful addition for any industry, but especially for higher education.

The college admissions process is a perfect use case for automated workflows, as they can be used to move a potential student along the buyer’s journey to an end goal – in this case, to apply to your institution.

How to Tweet on Twitter: 12 Templates to Get You Started

Not sure what to tweet to get your followers to engage with you? Whether you're just getting started with Twitter or you've been using it for a while, but feel like you're in a rut, it can be hard to come up with new ideas for what to publish.

Sometimes, it can help to follow some tried-and-true tropes. Here are several Twitter "formulas" you can follow.

Which Live Streaming App Should You Use? Inside the Best Features of Periscope, Meerkat & More

Live streaming has come a long way in the last decade. Back in 2008, I covered the U.S. Presidential Primary in New Hampshire with a Nokia N95, and streamed in 3G, using Qik. Other options at the time were Flixwagon and Kyte ... ever use one of those?

Luckily, today, we have mobile devices that can record in HD and stream over 4G and/or wifi. The user experience is a lot better for both live streamers and viewers -- which is why live streaming on mobile apps is becoming more and more popular.

The Finance Marketer's Guide to Inbound Marketing [Free Ebook]

The finance industry is just one of those industries that's REALLY difficult to work in as a marketer. You can't be creative nor imaginative. Your hands are always tied. There's simply no place for inbound marketing. ... Right?

Wrong, wrong, WRONG!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Become Superhuman at Any Skill with Tim Ferriss

Want to build a life and business around doing what you love? Me too. Let’s connect. There are few men like today’s guest on  The School of Greatness. Tim Ferriss is a stand out entrepreneur, author, consultant, athlete, bio-hacker, life-hacker, and friend. If you haven’t heard of him yet, who knows where you’ve been. But in […]

The post Become Superhuman at Any Skill with Tim Ferriss appeared first on Lewis Howes.

Bud Light's Lighthearted 'Up for Whatever' Campaign Takes a Dark Turn

The company apologized for its tonedeaf marketing message.