Monday, March 14, 2016

Shawn Stevenson: Top 10 Ways to Sleep Smarter

Shawn Stevenson on The School of Greatness

Shawn Stevenson on The School of Greatness

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If there’s one thing I have learned to respect about my health routine (in addition to eating healthy food) it’s to sleep.

There was definitely a period of time, as a young entrepreneur, that I didn’t care about sleep.

Sleep when you’re dead! Right?


I was stoked that my man Shawn Stevenson was in LA so he could come back on The School of Greatness.

If you missed his first interview on the show, check it out here. He drops huge wisdom on the whys and hows behind proper sleep.

So this time around, with the re-release of his super popular book, we dove into the top 10 habits that are easy to change and make a huge difference in your sleep quality.

Shawn has an incredible story of how he healed his body from a disease in his early twenties by cleaning up his diet. This got him into the health world, but once he had a successful practice going, he realized that a lot of his patients were having big issues still . . . and they had terrible sleep habits.

Fast forward a few years and Shawn has become a wealth of knowledge about the best ways to sleep and why it’s so important that we take our sleep hygiene seriously.

He even did a walk through in my bedroom after the interview to give me tips on how to improve my own sleep.

Do your body (and mind) a favor and listen up in Episode 302 with sleep expert Shawn Stevenson.

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The School of Greatness Podcast

Shawn Stevenson on The School of Greatness

“You are what you eat, drink, breathe, and think.”

Some questions I ask:

  • Why did you choose sleep as your focus in your health practice? (1:00)

  • What actually happens when we sleep? (19:33)

  • Why is it important to get sunlight during the day? (24:45)

  • What does “train hard but smart” mean? (41:31)

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    • The story of how Shawn healed his bones from a degenerative disease by changing his diet (2:48)

    • Why so many smart doctors aren’t healthy (16:29)

    • The only thing that not sleeping is accelerating is the day when you are sleeping because you’re dead (19:49)

    • Why kids have so much energy compared to adults (22:35)

    • The big issue with looking at your phone right before bed (28:24)

    • What drinking caffeine before bed does to your brain (even if you can still sleep) (33:22)

    • The reason Shawn says we should sleep in colder temperatures (36:15)

    • What happens when there’s even a little light in your room when you are sleeping (40:17)

    • How to set your workouts up to get the right kind of sleep (42:04)

    • The latest you can workout during the day and not affect your sleep at night (43:09)

    • Shawn’s take on supplements (44:17)

    • What drinking alcohol before bed does to you (47:21)

    • The physical benefits of grounding yourself every time you are in a challenging situation (52:56)

    • Plus much more…

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Did you enjoy the podcast?

What is one thing you took from Shawn that you are going to change in your sleep habits?

“There’s a difference between going to sleep and passing out.”

The post Shawn Stevenson: Top 10 Ways to Sleep Smarter appeared first on Lewis Howes.

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