Saturday, October 17, 2015

BlogCamp: How To Create A Profitable Blog & Social Following

Quick Summary: In this training, you’ll learn how to properly setup a blog from hosting and plugins to design and content structure. Our instructors help both new and experienced bloggers create a winning blog layout that captures visitors and converts them to loyal readers. Lastly, you’ll will learn how to leverage social media’s big 6 networks to build an engaged following behind your personal brand.


Blogging Is A Real Career Option

In the past few years, blogging has become more than a hobby for thousands of people across the globe. 24% of bloggers who are intentional about making money earn over $500 per month and 19% of these bloggers are able to sustain their lifestyle and support their family with their blog.

From professional mommy bloggers and organic news sites to fashion influencers and business gurus, blogging now offers real value and a real income.

My Story

Since 2013, I’ve made over $250,000 per year blogging from home. By looking at my blog as a platform to create influence and guide people to their dreams, I have been able to create strong content, reliable products, and consistent results for those who follow me.


I believe if you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.

It’s my mission to help aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs learn how to build a blog and business that can create the lifestyle and income they desire. A mentor once told me, “Dale this isn’t rehearsal. This is your life.”

It’s our responsibility to do whatever it takes to produce the best version of our time here on earth. For some of you, that means working for yourself and having the freedom to pursue the things that truly matter. And that’s where I can help.

BlogCamp: Our 2.5 Hour Video Training

Each Fall season I record a new video training on the most recent tricks, tips, and strategies for aspiring bloggers. This past October (2015), YouTube influencer and New York Times Bestselling Author Jefferson Bethke, reality T.V. star and pro blogger Audrey Roloff, and I gave away our secrets on how to build a profitable blog and social media platform.


What Will The BlogCamp Video Training Teach You?

  • How to properly setup a blog (choose hosting, framework, and theme)
  • How to layout a blog for strong readability and engagement
  • How to convert visitors to consistent readers
  • How to craft compelling headlines
  • How to build content structure & tone that drives trust with readers
  • How to brand yourself and your blog
  • How to leverage content frequency to drive traffic
  • How to use social media to build a platform
  • How to create products that fit within your topic scope
  • How to create an income using ad networks and paid posts
  • Our top tools for shortcuts to effective blogging


If you’re ready to create a blog that creates an income, consider purchasing access to watching the entire 2.5 BlogCamp video training below. If you have any questions regarding the training or are having difficulties viewing the video after purchase, please email

Watch BlogCamp Now

If you’d like to watch 2014’s BlogCamp video training, you can view it here using your same password.

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The post BlogCamp: How To Create A Profitable Blog & Social Following appeared first on StartupCamp.

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