Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Your Guide to Starting a Successful Inbound Marketing Career [Free Kit]


"Find a job," they said. "It'll be easy," they said.

Ahh, if only. For most of us, though, finding a job is pretty darn difficult -- especially one we're passionate about.

It doesn't help that competition is on a global scale. Jobvite found that 69% of all HR recruiters expect hiring to become more competitive in 2015, especially regarding social recruiting on LinkedIn and Facebook. In fact, 93% of all recruiters consider reviewing a candidate's social profile before coming to a decision.

Nowadays, it's not just your resume that needs to catch a recruiter's eye. It's your online profile, your connections, the content you're choosing to relay online, your personal website, and examples of previous work that show hiring managers you're an awesome fit.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, you're not alone. But thankfully, there are things you can do to make the job hunt easier and increase your chances of landing a job you're really excited about.

We created an inbound marketing career kit to help out those of you interested in a career in inbound marketing. Not only will this kit help you find and land an inbound marketing job, it'll also teach you how to succeed once you've been hired.

Download your Ultimate Inbound Marketing Career Kit here.

In the Ultimate Inbound Marketing Career Kit, you'll learn:

  • How to format a stand-out marketing resume
  • How to write well for cover letters and introduction emails
  • How to make the most money in your marketing career
  • How to succeed in your first 100 days at a new job
    ... and much more!

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"Check out @HubSpot's 3-Step Ultimate Inbound Marketing Career Kit: http://hubs.ly/y0QqKf0"

Social Media Crisis Management Plan - HubSpot

free resources for a successful marketing career

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